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RUDOLF HUB 1922 – Breakthrough Innovation – LASER PRIMER on Denim Fabrics

Oct 21, 2019


Local abrasion on denim provides character and personality. Over the years, many techniques have been used to create that abrasion (brushing, sandblasting, chemical spray, scraping, laser burning etc). Some of these techniques have been either banned (sandblasting) or are highly questioned (PP spray). In this manufacturing environment, laser burning has taken a very central role and it’s being increasingly adopted world-wide.

HUB 1922 uses Amsterdam Kingpin’s stage to unveil the advancement that propels the denim industry to a 2.0 level: laser-ready denim fabrics. Through the application of RUDOLF LASER PRIMER, technology on continuous processing (fabric finishing), manufacturers can now make the most of laser machines’ magic. That is either through the creation of significantly enhanced aesthetics on indigo and sulphur dyes, or the achievement of important energy savings. The industrial process that returns laser- ready fabrics has been studied and perfected in terms of laser advancing effect, minimization of fibre damage and pH value of the fabric.

The sophisticated industrial recipe is designed for minimal applications and continuous foam deposition is the recommended technology. Four are the well-balanced and highly conscious components:

  1. RUCO®-SPECIAL LPR - main actor for laser-enhanced effect
  2. RUCO®-SPECIAL LPC - laser primer catalyst
  3. RUCO®-SPECIAL DPR - denim protector in laser priming
  4. RUCO®-COAT FO 4010 - foam creator

"This breakthrough innovation is a first and required 8 months of very intensive and multi-disciplinary work, with key customers in 2 continents” concludes Alberto De Conti, Head of RUDOLF FASHION DIVISION. “It was mainly about applying science through a beginner eye and encouraging teams to learn from each other”.