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MRSL & RSL Confirmation Tool

Product name:
RUDOLF GmbH, Geretsried
Due to possible changes in our products and applicable national and international regulations and laws, the status of our products and statements may change. The information in this document is considered accurate and reliable only for products delivered after the revision date mentioned above.
With respect to
please be informed, that
currently, no information is available. We have been notified and are working on updating this information. As soon as the product has been updated, we will notify you. Thank you for your patience.
This document has been generated by electronic data processing and is valid without signature.
For more information please contact Global Product Safety Department
Phone: +49 8171 53-352
THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED TO THE BEST OF RUDOLF GMBH´s AND RUDOLF HOLDING SE & CO. KG’s PRESENT KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE. The information provided herein has been developed on the basis of the current manufacturing process at Rudolf GmbH, involved raw materials, product characteristics as well as legal and scientific requirements applicable at the revision date. This document is valid from the revision date mentioned above until replaced by a version with a more recent revision date. Nothing in this document shall be deemed to constitute an amendment to agreements entered into by Rudolf GmbH or any of Rudolf GmbH’s affiliates and the intended recipient of this information or any of their affiliates. Irrespective of applicable contractual or legal requirements, nothing in this document shall be deemed to constitute a product specification, suggestion, reference, recommendation, warranty or guarantee in relation to the quality, suitability or marketability of the product(s) referred to herein and/or products manufactured or treated with these. Rudolf GmbH or any of Rudolf GmbH’s affiliates assume no liability in this regard. It is the sole responsibility of the recipient to determine whether the product(s) referred to herein are suitable and safe for recipient’s intended use and purpose and to lawfully, safely, and properly store, use and apply the product(s). This document is for the sole information of the intended recipient.
*OEKO-TEX® is a registered trademark of Forschungsinstitut Hohenstein Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mecheels GmbH & Co. KG